Presentation of the IAM


It is around this slogan, derived from the Manifesto of the fiftieth anniversary of African independence, that the General Assembly of the Institut Afrique Monde (IAM) or Africa World Institute (in English) was held.

The Institut Afrique Monde is an NGO created in October 2013 in Paris. The Association is a free, independent and apolitical think tank whose aim is to :

  • to make known to the greatest number of people the dynamism and potential of Africa through a better perception of its society, its culture, its economy, in a perspective that is both historical and current,
  • to position itself as a body for reflection, analysis and debate, proposing innovative and daring ideas for the development of a peaceful Africa, open to the world, with a point of view to defend on what happens there,
  • to generate and implement initiatives aimed at improving the lives of men and women on the African Continent.

Like any Laboratory of Ideas, the Africa World Institute wishes to intervene in public debates on major economic and social issues, in parallel with the work carried out by public administrations. The aim is to influence public action by mobilizing knowledge, by carrying out and disseminating studies to the general public, the media and business leaders.

The Institut Afrique Monde has received official accreditation as an INGO with the International Organisation of the Francophonie, which enables it to benefit from consultative status in the processes of formulating the strategy, programmes and actions of the Francophonie.

The Association enjoys the status of official partner of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The analysis and action of the IAM are structured around 3 poles:

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